Store Game Rules



The following steps must be performed in a timely manner before each game begins:

1a. If side boarding is allowed, players may remove cards from their decks and add cards from their sideboards. (Game 2/3)
2a. Players shuffle their decks. Steps 1 and 2 may be repeated. (Decks must be adequately shuffled.)
3a. Players present their decks to their opponents for additional shuffling. The sideboard (if any) is also presented at this time. (If a player refuses to present their deck for cut/additional shuffling, an outside conversation between Staff and Players will be held.)
4a. If a companion is being used, it is noted. After the first game, the companion does not need to be noted again; it is assumed to be in use until rescinded.
5a. The appropriate player must decide whether to play first or second at this point, if they haven’t done so already.
6a. Each player draws seven cards. Optionally, these cards may be dealt face down on the table.
7a. Each player, in turn order, may take mulligans. (Dependent on the game type for different mulligans.)
8a. Once the game is complete, players may not leave the table until the result of the match is recorded and submitted or the event staff has been notified. (These above rules are all taken from WotC official MTG Rules for those who wish to read more:

In Store Magic the Gathering Rules -

1b. If a deck is not presented by mistake we will allow players to utilize a mulligan instead of keeping said hand, this will be done on a case to case basis with discussion between players at time of error.
2b. In addition to rule 8a. Commander League sheets must all be signed by an opponent at the table and submitted simultaneously after games.

In Store Magic the Gathering Proxy Rules -

As per MTG Rules registered Magic Events can not have proxies within the decks. However; We at Obsidian Games understand that Magic the Gathering is an expensive hobby and in the case of casual/non FNM play we will instate the following rules.

1c. No proxies in the first game of your pod are allowed to be used unless you own a physical copy of said card.
2c. No cards that are not currently available/released can be used in decks or as Commanders as proxies.
3c. Proxies must be marked as a proxy, any level of non visible proxies will be considered counterfeit/fake. This is against our store policies and player(s) will be given a warning.


Please remember that any level of searching, fetching and tutoring requires the same level of shuffling to randomize the deck!